Why, Where, and How?

Three weeks and counting until departure. This will be the first big trip away since our return from our big 4.5 year around-the-world trip over 5 years ago! I'm psyched! We are always asked "What was your favorite country?" We answer "We don't have a favorite country but we do have a favorite continent...South America!" So that is where we are headed. Chris and our friend Paul are prepping our KTM 950 Adventure right now as I write this. In two weeks the bike will be shipped by air via Lufthansa from Denver to Santiago, Chile (via Germany and Brazil). Many of you wonder why we are only taking one bike for this trip. The simple answer is that it is cheaper to buy one bike, ship one bike, and easier to find storage for one bike when we leave it in South America in January. Why KTM instead of BMW? We got a screaming deal (nearly half-price) on the KTM from our BMW dealer who got it on a trade in. The plan is to ship the bike down to Chile, crisscross the And...